If you live in a place where it rains a lot, you might need to spend a lot of time at home whether you like it or not. Every time when it rains here where I live, I feel like I need to find some activities that would allow me to enjoy my time here. I composed the list of activities that you can easily take part in when you are at home. Here they are:
-Surfing the Internet is in my opinion the best activity for cold and rainy days. You can forget about the whole world when you sit in front of your computer. You can even forget about the bad weather and how it usually affects you.
-Watching TV on a sofa under a warm electrical blanket is also a great option for colder and rainy days. As long as it feels cozy in my home, the bad weather does not bother me at all. I can easily forget about it when I feel warm in my own home. If you have a fireplace at home, you might want to consider putting a few logs in it and starting a fire.
-Only because it rains does not mean that you cannot have some exercise. Getting a treadmill or an exercise bike at home will allow you to stay in tip top shape even when it is almost impossible to exercise outdoors.