When it comes to sewage preventative care and maintenance, one overlooked component is manhole inserts. Stainless steel manhole inserts provide an easy-to-install and budget-friendly way to protect your sewage system. Why should you invest in manhole inserts in your community? Learn more about the benefits they can provide below.
1. They reduce manhole odors
Unpleasant odors are inevitable when dealing with sewage systems. At the same time, there are steps you can take to reduce odors from sewage systems. Using a manhole insert is one such measure, as it can block the emergence of odors from sewage systems. This can help the city and public municipalities avoid emitting offensive odors in public spaces, providing fresher and cleaner smelling air for all.
2. They prevent debris from entering the sewer
Debris that enter a sewage system can jam or reduce the effectiveness of equipment and eventually contribute to some of the odors mentioned above. Debris like dirt, clay, rocks, leaves, and sticks can not only contaminate the sewage system itself, but it can lead to the need for costly repairs when too much accumulates in a short period of time. A manhole inserter made with exact measurements can reduce, or completely eliminate, the amount of debris that enters your sewage system.
3. They control the flow of rainwater into sewage systems
During light or heavy rainstorms, the sudden flow of rainwater into a sewage system can also wreak havoc on the sewage systems. In a day and age where water conservation is increasingly important, keeping rainwater out of sewage systems is one way we can ensure that our water usage remains efficient. When too much water flows in at once from storms, water may be released without receiving proper treatment. Using a manhole inserter can regulate the flow of rainwater into your sewage system, reducing the risks that can come with excessive water.
Manhole inserters are simple and effective interventions that can provide all of these benefits and more.